Saturday, May 14, 2011

Catharsis: Requiem

Thirty Days Down A Hole
For Blake

Barely a month ago
At 10:26 in the morning
My phone rang
And my life would forever change

It had been only hours
Since last we spoke
But somewhere in between
The breath of life began to choke

I began a journey
That would take me
Where I never wanted to go

Just a few yards away
Down a hill and up a drive
In a sad attempt
I tried to save
My brother's life

No beating heart
No breath of life
Pounding his chest
Was short of futile

As I felt his cold skin
And dragged him to the floor
Selfishly hoping to mend
The helplessness felt the night before

Now I find no comfort
All I feel is rage
Praying to heal
And turn this dark page

Thirty Days Down A Hole
Witnesses No Light
Of The Laughs
We Used To Share

Thirty Days Down A Hole
I Find No Easy Way Out
Of Very Few Things I Know
Darkened Daggers To The Soul
Are Never In Doubt

How I want to raise a beer
And laugh with him in good cheer
Thirty Days Down A Hole
Seems So Short Of The Journey
I've Yet To Know

Rest In Peace
My Troubled Brother
I Miss You

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